Friday, November 7, 2008

Report Cards (1st year story)

Ahhh report cards take quite long to do. I thought I'd do a little a day and leave the comments for the last day. The comments take forever!
Anyway...which leads me to remember my first year teaching when I had to do report cards for a gifted and talented class. Well, somehow my gifted and talented class wasn't so gifted and talented. How they passed that test, I do not know. But they did and expected special treatment. A good chunk of them were below grade level! In a G & T class!!! So, based on the way that the whole grade decided to grade the kids, I graded my students. Many of them got 1's (the lowest grade you can get- Far Below Grade Level). Their reading scores were lower (sometimes about 2 levels lower) than the teacher had noted on their report cards in June of the previous year. So I take forever to do these report cards for the first time ever and turn them in.

Now, if you didn't know this before, I'm going to enlighten you. Gifted and Talented parents hold a lot of weight. They know how to get what they want. They know where to go to complain. And believe me, they'll complain about anything and everything. They have an email chain and phone list. Every night they talk to each other about what was sent for homework and how good it was. --This is what my kid said happened today. Well, this is what my kid said. Teacher's so inexperienced. She doesn't know what she's doing. I don't like how she talked to my Patty. I didn't like her tone of voice when she talked to me today.......

So my principal calls me into her office the day after I turn in the report cards. "Ah, you know Ms. T, I was looking over your report cards and noticed that many kids are promotion in doubt. How is that?"
"Well, Ms. Principal, I tested them and that's where they are. Far Below Grade Level."
"Okay....well, let me just show you their report cards from last June. Do you see here how this student who you're giving a '1' got a '4' (the best grade you can get) in June? And they are supposedly reading at a level K and you put their level as an E?"
"This student is definitely not at a K."
"Okay, well, I actually didn't check these grades last June. And the teacher is not at this school anymore. Nevertheless, we can't give the students the grades you gave them. The parents won't accept it."
"So, are you telling me I have to change the grades I gave?"
"I mean, you just need to look at your notes on the children and give them the grades that you feel based on your observations. You don't have to focus so much on how you tested them. For example, this student- the mom is.... well, you have to be very careful with her. I'd follow the previous teacher's example with the grades." (which meant that I should give this student 3's and 4s which mean he's at grade level or far above grade level. psh.)
This is my first year- I can't argue with the principal.
"Turn them in again tomorrow. Let me know if you have any questions." OF COURSE I have questions! You're telling me to NOT grade the students based on what they can do. I have to paint a pretty picture just for the parents to be happy. Aghhhh what have I gotten myself into?
"Alright... I'll have them in by tomorrow."

I had to change ALL the grades. From 1's and 2's to 3's and 4's. I put in some 3- (three minus) and 2+ for the students who really had no business being in G&T- but I for the most part changed everything. How unethical is that? And I was forced to do it. Why? Because the principal was scared of the parents. Of their power. They all act so high and mighty because their kids are labeled and "G&T". Please. Get over yourself and accept your dumb child for who they really are and for the help they really need.

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