Monday, December 22, 2008

Ruby the Copycat

I have a Ruby the Copycat in my class (do you know that book?). It's quite annoying. Besides a copycat she's a compulsive liar. Let me give you some examples.
The other day, I had a student with very chapped lips. He laughed at something and the smiling cut his lip open; it started to bleed. Ewww... okay Juan- go to the nurse.
Not even 5 minutes later, I see Ruby the Copycat peeling skin off of her lip. SELF-MUTILIATING!!! She picks at her lips until they start to bleed. "Ms. T, I'm bleeding. I need to go to the nurse."
"Ruby, I SAW you pick at your lips! I SAW you do that to yourself! Why did you do that?"
"Noooo, it just started bleeding."
"Here's a paper towel. Go sit down." Unbelievable! Are you kidding me? I give her attention- I don't know where this is coming from.

The next day, when the students are at their seats doing independent work, Ruby the Copycat comes to me and shows me her lower lip that has dots of blood on it. Another self-mutilation for attention?? I don't even want to go into it today. I am not going to argue with you.
I sigh. "Just go to the nurse."
About 20 minutes later, Ruby comes back from the nurse. The nurse's note to the parents says:
"Ruby bumped her head on the door. No sign of a bump or redness. If swelling occurs, take to doctor."
"You didn't bump your head, Ruby- I sent you to the nurse for your bleeding lip."
"Oh. I forgot."
Trying to keep my cool... "You forgot? So you lied to the nurse? Why did you make that up?"
She was caught; she had nothing to say to me.
"Uhhh... I didn't though... what happened was..."
"I don't want to hear it. Your mom will though. I'll be talking to her this afternoon. Go sit down please."

You kidding me? Aahhhhh!!!!

One more story for our Ruby the Copycat. Ruby walks into the classroom first thing in the morning- "Ms. T! I have to go to the bathroom!"
This is a common occurance for Ruby. She is always asking to go to the bathroom. I've written about her before in another of my blogs- I just used a different false name. She always asks to go and then takes about 20 minutes in the bathroom. She does not have any bathroom issues. She just wants to get out of doing work.
I always tell my students that they need to go to the bathroom during breakfast in the cafeteria because they will not be allowed to go to the bathroom until after Readers Workshop in the morning (about 1 1/2 hours after they come in).

So, I tell Ruby "No, Ruby. You know the rules." all morning long. We do our Do Now activity and then we do morning meeting. The whole time Ruby's asking me. Trying to wear me down. I know when this child really has to go to the bathroom. I can see it in her face. She did not have to really go.

"Ruby, you have not done your Do Now. You are not following the rules during the morning meeting routine. You have not completed your Weather calendar. How can I let you go to the bathroom when you have not been following the rules?"
So Ruby finishes her Weather calendar and sits nicely for the rest of morning meeting. As soon as morning meeting is over, she asks again. AAHHHHHH! Maybe she does have to go.
"Go quickly please. I need you back before Readers Workshop begins."

She leaves. She's gone for 10 minutes. I teach my minilesson and all the students are already in their reading spots reading. I see Ruby open the door slightly, reach her hand in the room and pull of the bathroom pass from the wall.
"Ruby! Come in please."
Ruby comes in with a smug look on her face.
"What are you doing Ruby?"
"I forgot the pass."
"After 10 minutes you realized you forgot the pass? You should have already gone to the bathroom and been back by now. If it was REALLY an emergency you would have not even worried about the pass, you would have gone really quickly to the bathroom. Isn't that right boys and girls?"
"Yes, Ms. T." the students chant.
I take the pass out of Ruby's hands. "Go sit at your reading spot please. It obviously isn't an emergency for you to go use the bathroom."
"No! But I'll go quickly! I promise!"
"Sit and read."

Again- are you kidding me? Ahhhhh this is the only student in my class the pushes my buttons like that. And it's only 1st grade! I guess there are times where there will be one student in your class that is like that.

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